TIMEX Filtration & Water Systems har oppnådd å bli et av verdens ledende selskaper innenfor veske filtrering siden starten i 1988.
TIMEX kan tilby ulike løsninger for filtrering av forskjellige typer vann og til andre applikasjoner, på grunnlag av sine FoU-senterstudier innenfor filterteknologi.
TIMEX er også stolt av å være knyttet til rekke forskjellige prosjekter, for eksempel drikkevann og avløpsrenseanlegg rundt om i hele verden, kjølevannssystemer, dypvann, prosess, etc. se referanser.
Med sin nye Filter fabrikk som har 10.000 m² produksjonsareal og nyeste teknologi, oppfyller TIMEX alle krav til moderne produksjon. Med ASME “U” Stamp Certificate, har TIMEX kundetilpassede tekniske løsninger. TIMEX sitt renomme i markedet er anerkjent for sin gode kvalitet på leveranser innenfor områdene landbruk, havbruk, olje og gass, kommunale og industrielle applikasjoner.
Our company was established in 1988, as the first national filter manufacturer in Ankara, Turkey.
TIMEX, started as a small manufacturing facility, has made its name in the sector in a short time.
TIMEX has rapidly increased its manufacturing capabilities since its establishment and expanded its product range day by day a to provide a better service for its customers.
Always considering the quality standards at maximum level, our company started exporting to Europe in 1998 and continued its way as a global brand.
TIMEX moved to its new manufacturing facility to increase its export volume and to reach global quality standards in 2000.
TIMEX has started to offer tailor made solutions according to specific requirements of customer for turn-key water filtration and treatment systems.
TIMEX, once again underlined its quality with acheiving “ASME U Stamp” certification, and has been able to manufacture with this certificate since 2007.
TIMEX increased its production volume, thanks to its continuously expanding product range and export network, moved its productionto its new production facility in 2011.
Our company keeps expanding its export network and serves all over the world.
TIMEX increased its production capacity with its developing export network. The facility has 10.000 m² of manufacturing area and 3000 m² of office area, equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and is designed to be environmental friendly.
Developing all filtration technologies in its own R & D center, our company has obtained the title of R & D Center approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
TIMEX, which grows rapidly and develops day by day, has succeeded to be one of the leading brands in filtration sector around the world. Our company, which exports 76% of its production, has continued its production without sacrificing quality standards since its establishment.
With having high environmental awareness, TIMEX protects the environment for the future generations. To spread out this awareness to as many people as possible, TIMEX differentiate itself by fulfilling many social responsibility projects.
TIMEX has become the precursor in the sector by being a Transparent and Reliable Company. By putting mutual trust into an important position in its Company Culture, TIMEX also carries out relationship with its customers based on this mutual trust.
While following all the latest technological developments closely, TIMEX integrates these technologies to its manufacturing processes. By being open to innovation all the time, TIMEX has the ability to adapt itself for all developments, easily and rapidly.
TIMEX by being the Turkey’s first local filter manufacturer, has passed 31 years of experience in the sector. Likewise, TIMEX crowning these years, with its staff that is experienced in their field.
TIMEX, always presented their special and flawless products to their customers with benefit-orientation in mind. By having maximum efficiency with minimum costs, TIMEX is working with great devotion for protecting the environment and preventing water sources to be depleted.
TIMEX, conducting its project and manufacturing processes according to being self-consciously responsible to its customers, to society, to future generations and to the environment.
TIMEX, besides being as responsible to environment, is also getting attention by its humanist approach. Particularly to the staff working for them, by valuing people TIMEX always has been a pioneer with this culture.
TIMEX established all of its manufacturing processes based on being sustainable. With resources that has been used senselessly and depleting rapidly, TIMEX aims to carry out social responsibility projects in order to protect endangered environment.
TIMEX aims to carry out its business in accordance with the international quality standards, current legislation, agreements and specifications, by fully perceiving the existing and changing needs of customers, in a timely manner, without compromising manufacturing quality, environmentally sensitive, by considering occupational health and safety conditions, in a profitable manner and with unconditional customer satisfaction.
The main purpose of the management system is to identify the possible hazards under the laws and regulations related to the environment, occupational health and safety, to prevent the danger at the source by performing the necessary risk analyses and to minimize the situations that may endanger the environment, life and property, to prevent pollution and to provide continuous improvement of occupational health and safety management systems with the full participation of employees.
Developing business partnership with the customers and suppliers and sustaining these business partnerships in the long-term period are our main objectives of our existence.
To achieve this goal, TIMEX management members follow ideas mentioned as below;
Planning and supplying the training needs to raise awareness of its employees in order to make improvements in Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety issues,
Following the technological innovations, establishment of the technological systems for the appropriate working environment within the project activity areas,
Ensuring the selection of high qualified materials and equipment which are suitable for human and environmental health,
Keeping natural resource usage at optimum level in all kinds of activities and supporting recycling,
It is committed to the review of these policies by the top management.
TIMEX employees achieve superior and continuous success with the team spirit and trust in each other, love and respect under the guide of unity.
Creating a healthy, safe and environmentally sensitive working culture and ensuring its continuity are the desire and responsibility of all employees, especially of the managers.
With the continuous improvement and innovation approach, “superior quality and success” are one of the basic principles of TIMEX.
TIMEX provides economic and effective solutions which are in line with the main purpose of protecting the water and environment. Customer satisfaction is ensured by the products which are manufactured by using the latest technologies in the world standards.
R&D is one of the most important matters for TIMEX to achieve the explained goals above. Therefore, 20% of total staff have been assigned in R&D on a full-time basis.
Our short, medium- and long-term R&D strategies are listed as following;
Our human resources policy consists of following subjects; attract and employ qualified manpower in accordance with our strategies, targets and needs of our company, to gain high efficiency from creativities and competencies of our employees, to increase the motivation and performance of our employees with human resources tools and finally creating an environment, allowing them to improve themselves is our human resources policy.
While carrying out this policy, we aim to improve employee satisfaction and firm loyalty by means of human resources tools such as; salaries, career development, education, performance assessment systems and social activities.
Warehouse Supervisor
1 person will be hired
Another task of our R & D center is to improve the activities that will reduce our carbon footprint and minimize resource consumption simultaneously with commercial activities.
Although innovation is our priority, we do not want nature to remain as a postcard for the future generations.
Our investment in the Solar Power Plant, that will meet our energy needs during Manufacturing, will start in 2020.
We obtain the water we need during manufacturing and garden irrigation from rain water that we store by filtering.
We are struggling with the climate change which is the biggest problem of our planet!
Scientists states that, with knowledge and education, climate change can be prevented. As TIMEX, for struggling with climate change, we are continuing our battle with our well-equipped facility and personnel with proper knowledge.
We can’t overlook the danger of desertification, depletion of water sources and drought in our planet!
We are working for the future generations, by managing our water resources, by treating wastewater and re-using them. Furthermore, we are protecting the environment by treating wastewater of Industrial Plants, Cities and Facilities by all means.
You can contribute to our struggle with drought by starting to take little steps.
Turn of the tap while brushing your teeth and shaving your beard! Since the water consumed while brushing your teeth and shaving your beard is approximately 12 tons per year for one person.
“Raising today's child as tomorrow's adult, is all of ours duty for humanity.”
We started by educating our children, for a sustainable future. By the education sessions we gave, as TIMEX to children, many children has given hope to our planet for being aware about water consumption. Now, TIMEX has started to work for giving education to children in schools about unnecessary water consumption.