Mardin’s Soils are reviving with the Cooperation of TIMEX and DSI

The 3rd Section of Mardin Ceylanpınar Lowlands Gravity Irrigation that has been built by the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

16 april 2021

Network works continue non-stop and all filtration systems were provided by TIMEX.

And also , all hydraulic and mechanical calculations of this project were completed by TIMEX and it will provide an annual revenue increase of 115 million TL.

89% of this irrigation project has been completed and 6 filter-stations are in operation, the construction of this project was started in 2015 and a new station is being put into usage every year.

With the completion of this project, 163.333 hectares of land will be irrigated and 16.500 people will be employed.

These soils were arid and due to this reason, these soils were not favorable for agriculture for many years. These soils met with water and revived. As a result of this, we have contributed to the development of agriculture in Turkey. This makes us proud.

We will continue to share the details of this project, stay with us.